Friday, May 15, 2015

Farfar's Visit to Alaska

Chou Chou attacks Farfar

Chou Chou attacks Popoki

Farfar biking far-far at Eklutna

Monday, August 19, 2013

Farfar visits Chou Chou

Cute-Stuff flanked by a couple of old geezers

A couple of young whipper-snappers getting ready to hit the rapids after defying the icebergs.

Stud-Muffin Elwyn geared up and ready to paddle.

Clint Eastwood posing in front of an iceberg he recently karate-chopped a hole through.

Morraine melt-out on top of icebergs.

Down the river after shooting through 3' standing waves.

Chou Chou following a diving-rod toward the water.

Matanuska glacier, Cade, Elwyn, and the cleaning help.

Walking on the glacier.

Yes! That waaasss an impressive fart!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

July 2013

Auntie Claudia came for a visit so we had to have a cold day just to meet her expectations!
Feelin the power.
Windshields make pretty good slides!
Cousin Elizabeth checking out the world in 3D.

"Doing Lunch"

Always at the beach...

At the Park

Yep, Beach again.

Biking and then Hiking in the Chugach.

Chou Chou and his beautiful mama!

Morning Stroll at the beach with Grandi.

On the trail to Caribou Cabin 7 miles in.

Grandi helping Cade add a belly band to the house.