Chou Chou attacks Farfar |
Chou Chou attacks Popoki |
Farfar biking far-far at Eklutna |
Cute-Stuff flanked by a couple of old geezers |
A couple of young whipper-snappers getting ready to hit the rapids after defying the icebergs. |
Stud-Muffin Elwyn geared up and ready to paddle. |
Clint Eastwood posing in front of an iceberg he recently karate-chopped a hole through. |
Morraine melt-out on top of icebergs. |
Down the river after shooting through 3' standing waves. |
Chou Chou following a diving-rod toward the water. |
Matanuska glacier, Cade, Elwyn, and the cleaning help. |
Walking on the glacier. |
Yes! That waaasss an impressive fart! |
Auntie Claudia came for a visit so we had to have a cold day just to meet her expectations! |
Feelin the power. |
Windshields make pretty good slides! |
Cousin Elizabeth checking out the world in 3D. |
"Doing Lunch" |
Always at the beach... |
At the Park |
Yep, Beach again. |
Biking and then Hiking in the Chugach. |
Chou Chou and his beautiful mama! |
Morning Stroll at the beach with Grandi. |
On the trail to Caribou Cabin 7 miles in. |
Grandi helping Cade add a belly band to the house. |