Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 2010

Volcanoes Iliamna & Redoubt from Mount Q'isqa just behind our house where Birgit skied with friends on December 11th.


Me dog tired after making cranberry liqueur. 

Feeing more awake now outside naked!  The mountainside over my shoulder with the liqueur is where Birgit just skied.

About 12:45 am on Winter Solstice, December 21st, the Full Lunar eclipse almost over.  At its complete coverage point, the moon turned orange.  The whole show was from 9:30 pm to just past one in the morning.

Winter Solstice morning.  The moon is setting in the west and the sun is trying to come up still at 9:30 in the morning!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

March-May 2010

 Byer's Lake near Denali 2-nighter ski to cabin
 DDC on warm April day just below our house
 Hiking above our house with this Italian move star
 Homer in May
 Dog tired on canoe trip in May.  Multiple portages between many lakes.
 Chilly at "night" and almost 80 degrees at high noon!
 Cute girls.
Lily pads still below the water.

Jan-Feb. 2010: Costa Rica & Olympics

Just before leaving Anchorage in December 2009
 Birgit with my beautiful new board in Punta Banco
 Crowded Beaches, primary jungle in background
 Sunset, ho hum, like this everyday.
 Cute girl
 I stay in Paradise & Birgit and Aunnie go to Vancouver
 Gettin' hammered at the Olympics
 Birgit and her sister, Claudia with baby Elizabeth

Thanksgiving 2010

 Friday, Gorgeous day for a ski!
 8 Miles in to Crescent Lake, all the sun just to the north of us!
 African savanah tree at the lake's edge.  
Birgit and Tami and Bacchus enjoying some dry ground.
 Home sweet home!  Chopping wood was easy on Saturday 
although Bacchus didn't do her fair share.
 Ski out on Sunday.  Blue sky all around us, just no sun ON us!
Birgit, the lead dog, best skier in the group on one of the bridges.

Hawai'i November 2010

 Camping at Poli Hale at the western end of Kaua'i
 Super cute babe at Waimea Canyon 
 Hang Loose Yo!
 Start of overnight hike–was cold at night!
 "Sleeping Giant" hike start

Ultimate on O'ahu

Monday, October 25, 2010

Brooks Range June 2010

Heading toward Atigun Pass

This muskox scared the begeezes outta us when it growled from about 11 feet away!

Kinda slippery heading up on the morraine

Almost to the top!

To the other side!

Flower greetings

Caribou greetings

Let's float!

Ever wonder why they call it permafrost?

2nd day of floating, gotta get to those mountains

Almost done.  Kiss kiss

There's the truck!  (And the pipeline)

Goat greetings–all done!

Resurrection Trail Oct 3-4 2010