Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kayaking in Barry Arm

 July 4th weekend we kayaked 4 days.  Night one, we had a campfire under this tarp while watching whales play in the bay!
Beached for a break next to this huge iceberg–gorgeous weather on day 2.
 Heading towards Surprise glacier.
 Cute girl and i did some bushwhacking in this beautiful area near Surprise Inlet.
 Watching the glacier calve from what actually is more than a 1/2 mile from the face!
 Camped at Harriman Glacier making coffee and fresh hot biscuits in Grandma's Dutch oven you can see to the right of Birgit–that thing rocks on kayaking trips!
Too hard to take their pictures, but there were 100's of cute otters hanging out in this area.  We are always reluctant to get too close and scare them with their offspring hanging on tight.

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