Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Philippines January 2012

Hiking to the underground river near Sabang.
 Underground river we hiked to.  Boat tours run into the cave.
Where the river meets the sea.
 At the entrance you must be wary of the monkeys who love to pickpocket tourists.

 Water fall we hiked to near Port Barton.
 Boy fetching us some coconuts just above our cabaña in Port Barton.
Playing with kids on the limestone just outside their shanty homes in El Nido.
 Kicking back at breakfast in El Nido.

Snorkeling tour in El Nido.
 Cool narrow strand of sand we visited on a boat tour.
These boys were playing restaurant with all the local wild flowers.
 Birgit is seated at the table on one of the fine sand chairs they custom made waiting for her meal!
  Palapa we rented for a week on the beach with the "restaurant boys".

 This is the view out the other way.

 This cat visited us every day and every night!

Waiting at the corner store to arrange a ride to remote beach.
 We rented one of the few places available on this pristine beach where the care-taking couple made our every meal–usually fish caught that day, and always fresh fruits.

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