Thursday, September 27, 2012

New Arrival

Oh, I'm in a blog now? Whatever.
Actually, Heh heh, Cool!
Me when I was little, chillin' with mama.
Ah, summer time!

Bacchus' Last day with us.
Don't be sad, it's alright.

Auntie Claudia, Niecey 'Lizabeth, and mama and me at the beach.
Mama and Elizabeth having trouble with their shades.
Papa and me hiking in the mountains.

This is a cabin we all biked to.  We saw a family of 3 Grizzlies walking up the beach toward us,  That was exciting!

The rest of the time was pretty much boring.

We also biked the trail of blue ice this year, I loved it!

This is papa's birthday,  I let him bike me into the backcountry across snow patches and through mud.  I think he likes it or something.
Hey, see that toy there?  Maybe you could just give it a little nudge?  Come back now, y'all hear?

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